【院长论坛】Cancer Therapy Resistance: DNA Repair Ran Awry?
报告题目:Cancer Therapy Resistance: DNA Repair Ran Awry?
报 告 人:Gabor Joseph Tigyi, Ph.D. & M.D.
Harriet Van Vleet Endowment Professor in Oncology Research
Department of Physiology
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research for Industry Relations
University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC)
时 间:2018 年10 月17 日(星期三)上午10:00
地 点:生化楼三层中厅
Dr. Tigyi's research is aimed at elucidating the structure and function as well as the signal transduction mechanism of a family of endogenous phospholipids with growth factor-like properties. Dr. Tigyi has shown that serum contains a set of lipid factors that are the major source of mitogenic stimuli present in serum. The best characterized member of this group of lipid mediators is lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). Dr. Tigyi's group has identified the PSP24 receptor gene for LPA and has determined the ligand binding pocket for the EDG family of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors and LPA receptors. Dr. Tigyi's group has made pioneering contributions to the current understanding of the pharmacology of phospholipid growth factors. Dr. Tigyi has mentored 31 graduate students and 40 post-doctoral fellows. He has published over 200 articles with 13,504 citations in lead journals with Hirsch-index 64.
Representative Publications:
1. Lee, D., Suh, D.S., Lee, S.L., Tigyi, G.J*. and Kim, J.H.* (2018) Role of Autotaxin in CancerStem Cells.Cancer Metastasis & Reviews (Special Issue on Bioactive Lipids in Cancer)EPub:2018 Jun 20.
2. Tigyi, G.J. (2018)The LPA2 receptor agonist Radioprotectin-1 spares LGR-5 positive intestinal stem cells fromradiation injury in murine enteroids. Cellular Signalling 51:23-33.
3. Offermanns S., Tigyi G*, Benyo, Z.* (2017) LPA1 receptor-mediated thromboxane A2 release isresponsible for lysophosphatidic acid-induced vascular smooth muscle contraction. FASEB J.1(4):1547-1555. PMID:28069828. *Co-senior authors.
4. Banerjee, S., Norman, D.D., Lee, S.C.,Parrill, A.L., Pham,T-C, Baker, D.L., Tigyi, G.J.*,Miller,D.D.* (2016) Highly Potent Non-Carboxylic Acid Autotaxin Inhibitors Reduce MelanomaMetastasis and Chemotherapeutic Resistance of Breast Cancer Stem Cells. J. Med. Chem. 60(4)1309-1324. PMID 28112925. *Co-senior authors.
5. Pyne, N. and Tigyi, G. A reflection of the lasting contributions from Dr Robert Bittman to steroltrafficking, sphingolipid and phospholipid research. 2015. Prog. Lipid Res. Prog Lipid Res.14;61:19-29. PMID: 26584871.
6. Tigyi, G. LPA activates TRPV1-and it hurts. Nat Chem Biol. 2011 Dec 15;8(1):22-3. PMID:22173354
7. Deng, W., E, S., Tsukahara, R., Valentine, W., Durgam, G., Gududuru,V., Balazs, L.,VanMiddlesworth, L., Johnson, L.R., Manickam, V., Arsura, M., Parrill, A.L., Miller, D.D. andTigyi, G. (2007) The LPA2 Receptor is Required for Protection Against Radiation-InducedIntestinal Injury. Gastroenterology. 132(5):1834-51.
8. Buenemann, M., Brandts, B.K., Pott, L., Liliom, K., J.-L. Tseng, D. M. Desiderio, G. Sun, D. Miller,and Tigyi, G. Lysosphingomyelin and sphingosine 1-phosphate activate IKACh through the samehigh affinity receptor in guinea pig atrial myocytes. EMBO J.15: 5524-5537, 1996.
9. Guo, Z., Liliom, K., D. J. Fischer, I. C. Bathurst, D. J. Tomei, M. C. Kiefer, and Tigyi, G. Molecularcloning of a high affinity receptor for the growth factor-like phospholipid mediator lysophosphatidicacid. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 14367-14372, 1996.
10.Tigyi, G., Dyer, D., and Miledi, R. (1994) Lysophosphatidic acid possesses dual action in cell proliferation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1: 1908-1912.