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Cited 1 in kidney development and cancer



  目:Cited 1 in kidney development and cancer


讲演人:Mark Peter de Caestecker,

 M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor

 Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center

 Vanderbilt University Medical Center


  间: 2008-4-29 , 9:30am



Dr. Mark de Caestecker

Mark Peter de Caestecker, Ph.D, is Assistant Professor of Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Department of Medicine, Department of Cancer Biology and Department of Cell and Developmental Biology at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.


Dr. Mark de Caestecker became MRCP (UK) in 1986 and received his Ph.D. degree in 1994 from University of Manchester . He received NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence in 1998, Outstanding Research Citation (VUMC) in 2001, and AHA Scientist Development Award in 2002. His research has been supported by NIH, American Heart Association, Philip Morris External Research Program Grant, VUMC Discovery Grant, etc. He was the invited reviewers of many Funding Agencies including NIDDK K18 special Emphasis, Cancer Molecular Biology Study Section, UKGD NIH Study Section, US-Israel Binational Science Foundation, etc. His interest is mainly focusing on pulmonary hypertension and kidney development. He has published more than 45 peer-reviewed articles in many journals.


Selected publications:

1.                     Lovvorn, HN, Westrup, J, Opperman, S, Boyle, S, Shi, G, Anderson , J, Perlman, EJ, Perantoni, AO, Wills, M, de Caestecker, M CITED1 expression in Wilms'' tumor and embryonic kidney. Neoplasia, 9(7), 589-600, 2007.

2.                     Boyle, S, Shioda, T, Perantoni, AO, de Caestecker, M Cited1 and Cited2 are differentially expressed in the developing kidney but are not required for nephrogenesis. Dev Dyn, 236(8), 2321-30, 2007.

3.                     Lovvorn, HN, Boyle, S, Shi, G, Shyr, Y, Wills, ML, Perantoni, AO, de Caestecker, M  Wilms'' tumorigenesis is altered by misexpression of the transcriptional co-activator, CITED1. J Pediatr Surg, 42(3), 474-81, 2007.