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Altered Neuronal Circuits of the Dorsal Vagal Complex during Intestinal Infl…


题目:Altered Neuronal Circuits of the Dorsal Vagal Complex during Intestinal Inflammation






张炜真教授,博士生导师,19877月毕业于广州中山医科大学,获医学学士学位;19904月毕业于北京首都医科大学,获医学硕士学位;19947月获北京医科大学医学博士学位;随后于美国Michigan大学进行博士后训练,19997月至20006月任Miami大学医学院外科颌面外科住院医师,20007月至20048月任Michigan大学医学院外科研究员,20049月起任研究助理教授。2007年经医学部引进为生理学系特聘教授。先后独立和共同主持基金两项。在国内外杂志如Mol Biol Cell, J Physiol(London), Am J Physiol, J Neurochem, Glia等发表论文47篇。曾先后担任AJP-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative PhysiologyAJP-Cell Physiology等杂志特约审稿人。代表性论文如下:

ZhangW, SeguraBJ, LinTR, HuY, MulhollandMW. Intercellular calcium waves in cultured entericglia from neonatalguineapig. Glia.2003;42:252-62 ZhangW, Zhao L, Lin TR, Chai B, Fan Y, Gantz I, Mulholland MW. Inhibition of adipogenesis by ghrelin. Mol Biol Cell.2004;15:2484-91 Zhang W, Hu Y, Lin TR, Fan Y, Zhao L, Stuenkel EL, Mulholland MW. Ghrelin stimulates neurogenesis in the dorsal motorneurons of vagus. J Physiology.2004;559:729-737 Zhang W, Hu Y, Newman EA, Mulholland MW. Serum-free culture of rat postnatalneurons derived from the dorsal motornucleus of the vagus.J Neurosci Methods.2006;150:1-7 Zhang W,Zhao L and Mulholland MW. Ghrelin stimulates myocyte development. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2007;20:659-664.
