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题目:Age-dependent effects of Estrogen on pyramidal neurons, dendrites and spines: Implications for Cognitive Aging

主讲人:郝建东 Ph.D.

       Assistant professor,Department of Neuroscience,Mount Sinai Medical Center

时间:2007年4月11日上午11:30 am



Selected publication: 1. Hao J, Rapp P.R, Janssen W.G.M, Lou W, McKay H, Lasley B.l, Hof P.R, Morrison J.H. Interactive effects of age and estrogen on cognition and pyramidal neurons in monkey prefrontal cortex. PNAS (in press). 2. Hao J, Rapp P.R, Leffler A, Leffler S, Janssen W.G.M, Lou W, McKay H, Roberts J.A, Wearne S.L, Hof P.R, Morrison J.H. Estrogen alters spine number and morphology in prefrontal cortex of aged female rhesus monkeys. Journal of Neuroscience 26(9):2571-8 3. Hao J, Janssen W.G.M, Tang Y, Roberts J.A, McKay H, Lasley B, Allen P.B, Greengard P, Rapp P.R, Kordower J.H, Hof P.R, Morrison J.H. (2003) Estrogen Increases Number of Spinophilin-immunoreactive Spines in the Hippocampus of Young and Aged Female Rhesus Monkeys. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 465:540-550 4. Tang Y, Janssen W.G.M, Hao J, Roberts J.A, Hof P.R, Morrison J.H. (2004) Estrogen induces formation of dendritic spines in prefrontal cortex of young rhesus monkeys. Cereb Cortex, 14:215-223. 5. Radley J.J, Sisti H.M, Hao J, Rocher A.B, McCall T, Hof P.R, McEwen B.S, Morrison J.H. (2004) Chronic behavioral stress induces apical dendritic reorganization in pyramidal neurons of the medial prefrontal cortex. Neuroscience, 125:1-6.   热忱欢迎参加!